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Noa Zimmerman Talks “Palindrome King” and “Invisible Strings”

American Songwriter​

“'I’ve had my own struggles with mental illness and dependency but I’ve learned how much freedom and peace comes by letting go of your ego and attachments, and acknowledging your insignificance. The songs take a spiritual perspective on mental illness and addiction.'"

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Singer/Songwriter Noa Zimmerman Call for Positive Change in New Music Video, "Rapture"

RPM Media

"[Rapture] speaks to the world as it is at this moment, with struggles against injustice, climate change, and greed more important than ever. It’s an earnest song that speaks to our doubts and worries, but encourages hope and persistence."


Grateful Web

"Though both the song and video highlight the symptoms of injustice, the timing of both creative projects seems almost fortuitous. Zimmerman plans to keep doing the work that she can to shed light on the magnitude of suffering that is occurring internationally and provide a call to action in order to create a better world."

Folk-pop artist Noa Zimmerman releases new music video based around environmental protests at Cat Canyon

Santa Maria Sun

“'It’s kind of like walking a tightrope when you go into that situation because it’s not our community, it’s not our home,' Zimmerman said. 'So we have to be really respectful of the fact that we’re trying to elevate voices, we’re not trying to project our own.'”

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